Answer: The poem The Second Coming was written by William Butler Yeats (W.B. Yeats) in 1919 and published in 1920 in the collection The Tower.
AboutthePoet: W.B. Yeats was an Irish poet and a key figure in modernist literature. His work often combines elements of mysticism, mythology, and political reflection. A Nobel laureate in 1923, Yeats developed a personal philosophy of history, revolving around cyclical time represented by gyres (interlocking spirals).
The poem was written shortly after World War I (1914–1918), a period of massive destruction and upheaval.
In Ireland, Yeats’s homeland, the Irish War of Independence (1919–1921) was just beginning.
The RussianRevolution (1917) and the rise of communism had shocked traditional systems.
Significanceof1919: This was a time of transition between eras, which Yeats believed marked the end of the Christian epoch (lasting 2,000 years) and the birth of a new age, marked by destruction and transformation.